Hannes Schütz
Hannes Schütz spent his student years in Vienna (Juridicum Vienna and Vienna University of Music) and, after completing his law degree, became an assistant to Prof. Dr. Manfred Burgstaller at the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Vienna. In his research work at the University of Vienna, he dealt with, among other things, offenses against life and limb, the distinction between errors of fact and errors of prohibition, recidivism after an out-of-court settlement and basic questions of diversion. He also completed his habilitation in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law at this university. He was appointed to the University of Graz as successor to em. Prof. Dr. Peter Schick.
Selected publications
- Schütz, Hannes: § 90 StGB Einwilligung des Verletzten. In: Höpfel/Ratz (hg.): Wiener Kommentar zum Strafgesetzbuch. Wien. Manz. 2022.
- Hinterhofer, Hubert; Schütz, Hannes (Hrsg): Fallbuch Straf- und Strafprozessrecht5, 5. Auflage. Wien. Jan Sramek Verlag. 2023.
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